Motion To Revoke Probation in San Antonio
Aggressive Legal Advocacy from The Law Office of John J. Fox
If you are currently on probation (community supervision) and are facing a Motion to Revoke Probation (MTRP) or a Motion to Adjudicate (MTA) hearing, you need an experienced attorney who will explore every possible method of defending you.
Motion to Revoke Probation Hearing
If your probation is revoked, you could be facing extensive time in jail or even prison. Remember, before your probation can be revoked you are entitled to a full and fair hearing, giving us the opportunity to defend you against the allegations you are facing.
Call The Law Office of John J. Fox for a free initial evaluation of your case - don't wait until it is too late.
Before Your Hearing
- Determine if you are eligible to bond out of jail pending your probation hearing
- Verify that the Motion to Revoke Probation was properly filed
- Review the original terms and conditions of your probation
- Investigate the exact nature of the alleged probation violations
- Find ways to get you back into compliance with your probation conditions
- Do a background interview regarding your occupation, home life, and responsibilities
- Subpoena witnesses with relevant evidence to testify on your behalf
- Work with your probation officer and the District Attorney to find possible alternatives to jail/prison time
At Your Hearing
- Force the State to prove the allegations against you
- Aggressively cross-examine any witnesses against you
- Highlight your accomplishments while on probation
- Work towards withdrawal of the Motion to Revoke; reinstatement or extension of your probation; imposition of alternative sanctions or penalties; or, in the worst case scenarios, obtain the least amount of jail time possible
Alternatives to Complete Revocation of Your Probation
Sometimes, people violate the conditions of their probation, but their actions simply do not warrant total revocation of their probation. Problems with drugs and alcohol or mental illness might make it difficult to obey all the requirements of your probation. Financial pressures may make it impossible for you to stay current on your probation fines and fees.
These are important defensive issues to raise, as the judge may consider another option at your hearing, rather than revocation, including:
- Adjusting the length of your probation
- Imposing additional fines
- Counseling
- Boot camp
- Drug or alcohol treatment programs
- Short term jail sanctions
It is important to remember that, although you are on probation, you still have many rights that can be asserted on your behalf. An aggressive San Antonio criminal defense attorney will do the following to fight for you:
Talk to a San Antonio criminal defense attorney from our team today!
The Law Office of John J. Fox has extensive experience representing people accused of all types of probation violations in both misdemeanor and felony courts. We can develop an individual strategy to protect your rights and your family's future. Now, more than ever, you need a qualified attorney by your side.
Call our office today at (210) 460-1221 for an immediate, free consultation.