Sex Offender Registration in Texas
San Antonio Sex Crime Lawyer
Sex crimes can be among the most severely prosecuted, and can contain some of the most severe penalties for a criminal conviction. If you have been arrested and charged with a sex crime in San Antonio, Texas, then you could be suffering from a great deal of fear and anxiety, not to mention the social stigma that comes along with this kind of charge. Your reputation could be ruined and you could be suffering from severe embarrassment regarding the situation that you face. There are many various types of sex crime that could be committed, and there are various penalties that you will face for a conviction.
If you are charged with the crime sex with a minor, then you could face years in prison, and other serious penalties such as sex offender registration. This is an extremely severe penalty as it will go on your permanent record, it is a public registry where your friends and family can see that you are a perpetrator, and it could cause you to be disqualified for certain benefits. You could be denied housing, employment, bank loans, and many other benefits that require a background check due to this registration; because of this and other reasons, it is vital to your future that you are not wrongfully convicted of this crime. Obtain a San Antonio criminal defense attorney for help defending against your charges.
Facing criminal charges? Let us help!
If you have been arrested and charged with a sex crime offense, then you need skilled representation on your side. At The Law Office of John J. Fox, we understand the severity of the situation that you face, and you can count on us to stand by you and fight for your rights, goals, and desires for the future. With years of experience, and a drive for excellence, you can be sure that we will put our skill and resources to work for you.
Feel free to contact a San Antonio sex crime attorney today for a free and completely confidential consultation; let us fight for you!